Privacy Policy

The Cookie Policy (Policy) describes how Vapify Ltd., registration number 40203419720, uses cookies on the website (Homepage) maintained by (Vapify, us).

What is a cookie?
Cookies are small text files that are sent to your computer's memory when you visit the Website. On each subsequent visit, cookies are sent back to the originating website or to another website that recognizes the cookie. Cookies act as a website memory, allowing this page to remember your computer on subsequent visits, including cookies can remember your settings or improve user comfort.

Cookies collect information such as the address of the Internet network server you use, domain name, browser used, IP address, selected settings, actions performed on the Website.

What cookies does Vapify use?
We use three categories of cookies:

  1. necessary cookies

Necessary cookies ensure the correct functioning of the Website and its security, therefore they are enabled by default and their use cannot be refused. Necessary cookies allow you to access different parts of the Website. These cookies are stored on your device during your visit and browsing of the Website or for a certain period of time. They are set in response to your actions that are considered a service request, such as setting privacy preferences, signing in or filling out forms.

2. analytical cookies

Analytical cookies allow us to count the number of visits and their sources so that we can measure and improve the performance of the Website. They help us understand which pages are the most popular and which are least used, as well as how visitors navigate the Home Page. If you refuse the use of these cookies, your visit will not be included in our statistics, but at the same time it will not limit your activities on the Website.

3. marketing cookies
Marketing or targeting cookies are used to identify the content you want and provide you with the most suitable information about Vapify products and services, improve the customization of our content and expand your activity on the Website. These cookies may be used for our advertising campaigns on third-party websites. If you agree to the use of these cookies, we may also receive information about the websites of our trusted partners where you have responded to our advertisements. If you refuse the use of these cookies, you will be presented with generic and non-personalized advertisements.

What third party cookies does Vapify use?

The website uses the "Google Analytics" program of the company "Google Inc", which uses text cookies that are stored on your computer and allow you to analyze how you use the respective website. The information generated by these cookies about how you use this website is sent to a Google server in the USA and stored there. When using IP-anonymization, your IP address is shortened within the territory of the European Union or the European Economic Area.

Google uses this information to evaluate how you use the website in question, to prepare reports for website operators about activities on the website in question and to provide other services related to website and internet use. Google will in no way associate the IP address received here with any other information that Google has. Also, if necessary, Google provides this information to third parties, if it is required by law or if third parties process this data on behalf of Google. In addition to the opt-out option, you may opt out of the collection of information by Google Analytics by downloading and activating the Google Analytics browser option.

Download here:

How to give or withdraw consent to the use of cookies?
You can consent to the use of analytical and/or marketing cookies. Since necessary cookies ensure the functioning of the Website, your consent is not required to enable them.

You can accept all or only one of the cookie categories. By agreeing to a category of cookies, you give your consent to all cookies included in this category (see a detailed list of cookies here).

You can give or withdraw your consent to the use of cookies here.

Changes in Policy
The policy may be changed from time to time. The latest version of the Policy, which is published on the Website, supersedes all previous versions of the Policy.

If you have any questions about the Policy or the processing of your personal data, please write to [email protected]